Small Businessmen like Wholesaler, Retailer, Small Manufacturer/Producer and Trader etc.
Self-Employed Person like Doctors/Engineers/Professionals etc.
Small & Cottage Industries.
Other existing & new small business, micro & small industries and commerce.
Mode of Investment
Hire Purchase under Shirkatul Meelk (HPSM)
Bai-Muajjal (Term)
Ceiling of Investment
The amount of investment shall be Tk 50,000/- to Tk 5,00,000/- (Taka fifty thousand to Taka five lac).
Maximum ceiling of the investment will be Tk 3,00,000/- (Taka three lac) only for any region other than Dhaka & Chittagong Metropoliton Area. However, investment may be extended beyond the ceiling at the discretion of the Management.
Bank investment-Client equity ratio where applicable shall be 60:40.
Tenure of Investment
In case of HPSM, Lease and Bai-Muajjal (Term):
Maximum tenure will be 3 years i.e. 36 months (a period of 3 months may be allowed as grace period to the deserving client)
In case of HPSM, Lease and Bai-Muajjal (Term):
Maximum tenure will be 3 years i.e. 36 months (a period of 3 months may be allowed as grace period to the deserving client)
Rate of Profit/Rent
Rate of profit/rent is 15.00% p.a.
Application Fee of Tk 100/- (non refundable);
Processing Fee of Tk 500/- (non refundable);
Supervision Charge
Supervision charge will be @ 2.00% per annum.
Risk Fund
Risk fund will be @ 1.00% per annum.
General Security for each case:
Hypothecation of Stock/Equipments;
The stock/equipments should be duly and properly insured to cover the risks of probable hazards;
01 (one) post dated master cheque in favor of SJIBPLC covering the investment;
Post dated cheque against each installment/deal;
Trust Receipt(s) duly executed by the Client along with delivery order(s) for each deal (in case of BMTR).
Personal guarantee of the client, spouse and adult son(s) & daughter(s), if any of the client
Specific Security for the investment not exceeding Tk 2,00,000/-:
Personal guarantee from two persons having good financial means & standing and acceptable to the Bank;
Specific Security for the investment exceeding Tk 2,00,000/-:
Registered mortgage of immovable property owned by the client(s) or by a third party acceptable to the bank having:
> Forced sale value of double the amount of investment under the Bai-Muajjal-Commercial-TR facility;
> In case of HPSM, Lease and Bai-Muajjal (Term) investment, forced sale value of collateral security should not be less than 1.50 times of the Bank’s investment.