The deposit is accepted on the basis of Mudaraba principle of Islamic Shariah and the fund is invested in accordance with Islamic principles and the Bank will have the right to invest such fund, at its own judgment in any Halal business with the consent which is given by the depositors at the time of account opening contact. Such deposit accounts are generally meant for a class of people who want to save a small part of their income to be used in the near future and also intend to have some income on such savings. These depositors can deposit a small amount and can withdraw whenever they desire but the total numbers of withdrawals over a period of time are limited.
Any mentally sound person over 18 years of age can make a contact with Bank’s Branch to open an individual MSD A/C according to the Banks Mudaraba Savings Deposit Principle.
Required Documents
A person who has not completed his 18th year of age is considered to be a minor. An account in the name of a minor shall not be opened unless it is opened by his/her guardian on behalf of the minor. The guardian will operate the account till the minor attains majority (e.g. 18 years of age). On the date of minor attains the age of majority, the operation of the account by the guardian will be ceased. A fresh account opening form duly signed by the newly attained major (account holder) with his/her fresh set of specimen signatures duly attested by the operating guardian should be obtained and retained in bank records. It is noted that a reminder notification message shall be send to client registered mobile one week prior to attain majority.
Required Documents
More than one mature/adult person jointly or combination of mature(s) and minor(s) may constitute joint accounts. Joint holder client can enjoy as per ADC service operation policy.
Required Documents (Residence of Bangladesh)
For Individual Joint A/c (Non-Residence of Bangladesh)
Blind/visually-impaired / Illiterate person can open Savings account in his/her name independently
Required Documents
Executors/Administrators are appointed by a deceased himself before his death by will to settle his accounts after his death. Administrators are appointed by the court of law in the absence of the deceased's will.
Required Documents
Trusts are created by trust deed in accordance with the law. Trustees are given control of an estate, usually of the deceased for the benefit of certain persons who are called beneficiaries.
Required Documents
These organizations shall be created and registered under Societies Registration Act. They may not be registered organizations. Some of them shall be registered under Companies Act.
Required Documents
An official person or organization that is given the job to investigate company's financial affairs for closing a company by selling its assets for the benefit of creditors and shareholders
Required Documents
These organizations shall be created and registered under Societies Registration Act. They may not be registered organizations. Some of them shall be registered under Companies Act.
Required Documents
Executors/Administrators are appointed by a deceased himself before his death by will to settle his accounts after his death. Administrators are appointed by the court of law in the absence of the deceased’s will.
Required Documents
Trusts are created by trust deed in accordance with the law. Trustees are given control of an estate, usually of the deceased for the benefit of certain persons who are called beneficiaries.
Required Documents
These organizations shall be created and registered under Societies Registration Act. They may not be registered organizations. Some of them shall be registered under Companies Act.
Required Documents