Mudaraba Term Deposit Receipt (MTDR) account is a mode of deposit under Mudaraba principles of Islamic Shariah. It is a profit / loss bearing product. These deposits are repayable subject to a period of notice and hence known as time deposits or time liabilities meaning thereby that these are withdraw able subject to a period of notice and not on demand. Deposits under MTDR are accepted for different tenures as decided by the Bank and are entitled to receive profit on their deposit on the basis of weightage as decided by the management. A receipt is issued against each deposit under MTDR account.
Any mentally sound person over 18 years of age can make a contact with Bank’s Branch to open an individual MTDR A/C according to the Banks Mudaraba Term Deposit Principle.
Required Documents
For Individual (Non-residence of Bangladesh):
A person who has not completed his 18th year of age is considered to be a minor. An account in the name of a minor shall not be opened unless it is opened by his/her guardian on behalf of the minor. The guardian will operate the account till the minor attains majority (e.g. 18 years of age). On the date of minor attains the age of majority, the operation of the account by the guardian will be ceased. A fresh account opening form duly signed by the newly attained major (account holder) with his/her fresh set of specimen signatures duly attested by the operating guardian should be obtained and retained in bank records. It is noted that a reminder notification message shall send to client registered mobile one week prior to attain majority.
Required Documents
More than one mature/adult person jointly or combination of mature(s) & minor(s) may constitute joint accounts and can open an individual MTDR A/C according to the Banks Mudaraba Term Deposit Principle
Required Documents
For Joint A/c (Non-residence of Bangladesh):
A proprietorship firm is known as a sole trader ship, individual entrepreneurship or proprietorship enterprise owned and run by one person and in which there is no legal distinction between the owner and the business entity. A proprietor can open MTDR account in the name of the firm according to the Banks Mudaraba Term Deposit Principle.
Required Documents
A partnership firm is a type of business entity that is formed by the association of two or more members who have agreed to share the profits of the business, which is carried on by all partners or one partner acting for all. Authorized partners can open MTDR account in the name of the firm according to the Banks Mudaraba Term Deposit Principle.
Required Documents
A private company is a company held under private ownership with shares that are not traded publicly on exchanges. A company can open MTDR account in the name of the company according to the Banks Mudaraba Term Deposit Principle.
Required Documents
A public limited company is a business that is managed by directors and owned by shareholders. A company can open MTDR account in the name of the company according to the Banks Mudaraba Term Deposit Principle.
Required Documents
Government institutions means Government ministries, departments, companies, agencies, authorities, training institutions, research institutions and local government authorities.
Required Documents
Trusts are created by trust deed in accordance with the law. Trustees are given control of an estate, usually of the deceased for the benefit of certain persons who are called beneficiaries.
Required Documents
These organizations shall be created and registered under Societies Registration Act. They may not be registered organizations. Some of them shall be registered under Companies Act.
Required Documents