Sustainable Finance

As bankers, waste goes against our grain, and frugality is a natural tendency. So it just makes sense that Green Bank would lead the way in finding ways to blend our customers' financial interests with the interests of the environment. Best of all that environmental sensibility is paying off for our clients - and for the planet.

Our Vision

Our vision is to become a preferred provider for business and personal banking products and services, the employer of choice in the markets we serve, the investment preference for investors, and a champion for a cleaner, healthier green environment along with a sound society.

Our Mission

Green Bank is equally committed to all of our stakeholders - customers, employees, communities and shareholders. We believe each of our constituencies is best served when all are served. Therefore, our mission is to:

  •  Help our clients achieve economic success and financial security.
  •  Create a place where our employees can learn, grow, prosper and be fulfilled in their work.
  •  Make the communities where we operate better places to live and work.
  •  Optimize the long-term return to our shareholders, while providing a safe and sound investment in a socially responsible and resource-efficient enterprise.

Our Promise

We are committed to behave in a manner that ensures the fair treatment of our stakeholders and to be a company that routinely "does the right thing." We make these promises:

  •  To behave in an ethical manner in all transactions and interactions.
  •  To act in environmentally and socially-responsible ways to support and strengthen the communities where we operate.
  •  To be responsive, accessible and timely.
  •  Make the communities in which we work better places to live.
  •  To have proper compliance processes measures and goals for achieving and surpassing all regulatory and legal requirements.