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About SJIBPLC » Investment Profit Rate
Declared Investment Profit Rate by Economic Sector
Economic Purposes Declared rate Lowest rate Highest rate
A. Agriculture, Fishing & Forestry
1. Agriculture
a) Cultivation 12.00% 12.00% 12.00%
b) Planting 12.00% 12.00% 12.00%
c) Agricultural Machineries and Implements 12.00% 12.00% 12.00%
d) Fertilizer and pesticides Investments for Farmers 12.00% 12.00% 12.00%
e) Livestock 12.00% 12.00% 12.00%
f) Vegetables/Fruits Preservation in cold storage 12.00% 12.00% 12.00%
g) Agricultural Investment Disbursed Through NGOs 12.00% 12.00% 12.00%
2. Fishing 12.00% 12.00% 12.00%
3. Forestry and Logging 12.00% 12.00% 12.00%
B. Industry
1. Term Investment (Other Than Working Capital Financing)
a) Large Industries
aa) RMG 13.00% 12.00% 14.00%
ab) Others 13.00% 12.00% 14.00%
b) Small and Medium Industries 13.00% 12.00% 14.00%
c) Cottage Industries/Micro Industries 13.00% 12.00% 14.00%
d) Service Industries 13.50% 12.00% 14.00%
2. Working Capital Financing (Excluding Excluding Export and Import Financing)
a) Large Industries
aa) RMG 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
ab) Others 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
b) Small and Medium Industries 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
c) Cottage Industries/Micro Industries 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
d) Service Industries 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
C. Construction
1. Housing (Commercial) for Developer/Contractor 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
2. Housing (Residential) in urban area for individual person 12.00% 12.00% 12.00%
3. Housing (Residential) in rural area for individual person 12.00% 12.00% 12.00%
4. Infrastructure Development (Road, Culvert, Bridge, etc. ) 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
5. House Renovation or Repairing or Extension 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
6. Commercial Building (Market, Factory, Hotel, Cold storage, Ware-house etc.) 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
7. Establishment of Solar panel 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
8. Effluent Treatment Plant 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
9. Investment against Work Order/Pay Order/Earnest Money 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
10. Water-works 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
11. Sanitary Services 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
D. Transport
1. Road Transport (Excluding personal vehicle & lease finance) 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
2. Water Transport (Excluding Fishing Boats) 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
3. Air Transport 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
E. Trade & Commerce
1. Wholesale and Retail Trade (Bai, Share, etc. )
a) Wholesale Trading 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
b) Retail Trading 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
c) Other Commercial Lending 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
2. Procurement by Government
a) Jute 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
b) Paddy 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
c) Wheat 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
d) Others 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
3. Export Financing (PC, ECC etc.)
a) Jute and Jute Products 12.50% 11.50% 13.00%
b) Tea 12.50% 11.50% 13.00%
c) Hides and Skins 12.50% 11.50% 13.00%
d) Ready-made garments 12.50% 11.50% 13.00%
e) Non-traditional items 12.50% 11.50% 13.00%
f) Other Exported items 12.50% 11.50% 13.00%
4. Import Financing (TR, Bai, Forced etc. )
a) Food Items 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
b) Petroleum and Petroleum Products 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
c) Machineries and Implements 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
d) Textile and Textile Products 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
e) Electric and Electronic goods and Spares 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
f) Sanitary Goods Including Tiles, Stones & Clinkers 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
g) Cosmetics & Crockeries 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
h) Medicine and Surgical Instruments 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
i) New Automobiles 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
j) Reconditioned Automobiles 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
k) Chemicals (except Medicine) 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
l) Iron and Steel products 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
m) Paper and Printed Papers 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
n) Computer and Accessories 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
o) Wood and Logging 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
p) Plastic and Plastic products including toys 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
q) Leather Goods 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
r) Poultry Feeds 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
s) Cattle Feeds 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
t) Coal 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
u) Ship 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
v) Other imported items 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
5. Share Trading 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
6. Lease Financing/Leasing 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
F. Other Institutional Loan
1. Investments to Financial Corporations
a) Investment to NBFI 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
b) Investment to Insurance companies 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
c) Investment to NGO (excluding Agriculture) 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
d) Investment to Merchant Bnaks/ Brokerage Houses 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
e) Investment to Co-operative Banks/Societies 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
2. Financing to Educational institutions 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
G. Consumer Finance
1. Doctors Investment/ Professional Investments 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
2. Flat Purchase 12.00% 12.00% 12.00%
3. Transport Investment (Motor car/Motor cycle etc.) 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
4. Consumer goods (TV, Freeze, Air Cooler, Computer, Furniture etc.) 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
5. Credit Cards 2.00% (Monthly) 2.00% (Monthly) 2.00% (Monthly)
6. Educational Expenses 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
7. Treatment Expenses 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
8. Marriage Expenses 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
9. Land Purchase N/A N/A N/A
10. Investment against Salary 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
11. Investment against PF 0.00 0.00 0.00
12. Personal Investment against MMDS, MDS, etc. Scheme Profit Rate + 3.00% Scheme Profit Rate + 2.00% Scheme Profit Rate + 3.50%
13. Personal Loan against MTDR, MMBS, MDBS, etc. Instrument Profit Rate + 3.00% Instrument Profit Rate + 2.00% Instrument Profit Rate + 3.50%
14. Travelling/ Holiday Investments 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
15. Other Personal Investments 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
H. Miscellaneous
1. Private Welfare and Development Activities 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
2. Program (EPZ, Special Economic Zone, Youth development etc.) 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
3. Swanirvar N/A N/A N/A
4. Poverty Alleviation Program N/A N/A N/A
5. Other Investments Not mentioned above 13.50% 12.50% 14.00%
Last Update Date: February 2025
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