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09 Aug, 2021
323rd Board Meeting of Shahjalal Islami Bank Ltd. held
The 323rd meeting of the Board of Directors of Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited (SJIBL) held recently at Corporate Head Office of the Bank by maintaining proper hygiene and social distance. On the other hand, a few number of Directors of the Bank participated in this meeting through digital platform (with a Video Conference). The meeting was presided over by the Chairman of the Board of Directors Mr. Md. Sanaullah Shahid. The Board approved a number of investment proposal and reviewed various issue related to policy of the Bank.

Among others the Vice-Chairmen of the Board Mr. Md. Harun Miah and Mr. Md. Abdul Barek, Directors Dr. Anwer Hossain Khan, Mr. Abdul Halim, Mr. Akkas Uddin Mollah, Khandaker Shakib Ahmed, Engineer Md. Towhidur Rahman, Mr. A. K. Azad, Mr. Mohammed Golam Quddus, Mr. Fakir Akhtaruzzaman, Mr. Md. Moshiur Rahman Chamak, Mrs. Jabun Nahar & Mr. Fakir Mashrikuzzaman, Independent Directors Mr. Ekramul Haque, Mr. K. A. M. Majedur Rahman and Mr. Nasir Uddin Ahmed, the Managing Director & CEO Mr. M. Shahidul Islam and the Company Secretary of the Bank Mr. Md. Abul Bashar were also present in the meeting.
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