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20 Jun, 2021
Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited distributed relief among unemployed workers and helpless peoplein thelower region of capital city Dhaka
Due to rapid spread outof the novel corona virus (Covid-19) and the long-running lockdown in Bangladesh, thousands of working people in different parts of the country have lost their works and passing the days without food. In this regard, Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited has taken steps to distribute relief among the unemployed workers and helpless people in different parts of the country as part of its corporate social responsibility. With the support of DMP Gulshan Zone, Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited distributed relief items among the unemployed and helpless people in Bhatara the lower region of the capital city Dhaka on 17th June 2021. The Deputy Commissioner of Police, Gulshan Zone, Dhaka Metropolitan Police Mr. Sudip Kumar Chakraborty distributed relief items more than 600 unemployed working families as present Chief Guest. Among others the Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police, Gulshan Zone, Dhaka Metropolitan Police Syed Mamun Mostafa, the Head of Public Relations and Bank Foundation of the Bank Mr. Md. Samsuddoha and the Ward Councilor of Ward No. 39 of DNCC Mr. Shafiqul Islam Basek were present while distributing the relief.

The relief distributed among the unemployed people while maintaining proper social distance.As relief each family got 10 kg rice, 1 kg pulse, 3 kg potatoes, 1 kg salt and 1 piece of soap have been distributed to 600 families.
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